Cricketers and their WWE equivalents
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2) Sachin Tendulkar and Dwayne the Rock Johnson:

Sachin Tendulkar is the one that is hailed by many as the greatest person ever to wield a cricket bat between the palms and is one of the widely revered and loved players of his generation. The fan following and the crowd pulling ability that this man has been beyond any words! Rock is a WWE superstar in a league of his own, possibly with the most number of fans to his name, and is arguably the greatest wrestler ever in the wrestling industry. His signature move, “People’s elbow” is dubbed as the most electrifying move in sports entertainment. Sachin Tendulkar as we all know has no apparent weakness in his batting technique and has against his name most batting records. The long and short of the paragraph is Sachin is the GOAT of cricket and Rock is the GOAT of WWE. And by the way, fellas, GOAT means Greatest Of All Time.
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