PSL: Peshawar Zalmi emerge as biggest franchise for fourth consecutive year
"I would like to thank the Peshawar Zalmi Fans & Team for this wondrous achievement," Javed Afridi said.
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Peshawar Zalmi emerges as the biggest franchise in terms of brand value for the fourth consecutive year, Peshawar Zalmi is the number 1 franchise in terms of brand value according to Nielsen Sports. Peshawar Zalmi, the finalist in the last 3 editions of the PSL, garnered a brand value of $40.5 Million Dollars evaluated by Nielsen.
I congratulate Mr. Javed Afridi and Peshawar Zalmi Team for becoming the number 1 franchise for the fourth consecutive year, PCB Chairman Ehsan Mani. Peshawar Zalmi Sponsors & Partners garnered the maximum mileage as well in PSL 4. Pakistan & PSL’s biggest sporting entity, Peshawar Zalmi has once again emerged as the number 1 franchise in terms of brand value for PSL 4.
According to Nielsen Sports, they have evaluated Peshawar Zalmi at a brand value of $40.5 Million Dollars which is a 42% increase as compared to PSL 3. The report also mentions that Peshawar Zalmi Sponsors and Partners also garnered the maximum brand value in PSL 4.
I would like to thank the fans
Nielsen had also declared Peshawar Zalmi, the biggest franchise, for the previous seasons as well. Nielsen mentions that the total media mileage of Peshawar Zalmi involved TV, Social Media, Print Media & Online was the highest due to its interaction and connection with their fans. This enabled them to become the number 1 franchise once again.
As compared to the sponsors of other franchises, Peshawar Zalmi’s partners and sponsors garnered the highest media value. Peshawar Zalmi & Zalmi Foundation Chairman, Mr. Javed Afridi said, “I would like to thank the Peshawar Zalmi Fans & Team for this wondrous achievement. It is due to their support that we have once again achieved this milestone. I will continue the mission of #BringBackSmiles across Pakistan and not only focus on cricket but also empower other sports as well.”
Peshawar Zalmi Chairman urges, “I would love to see some of the Peshawar Zalmi Matches to take place in Peshawar as the fans have waited long enough. It is their right to witness their heroes play in the city of flowers.” Chairman PCB Ehsan Mani in his video message to Javed Afridi said, “I congratulate Mr. Javed Afridi and the Zalmi Team for this wonderful achievement. It is quite a milestone to become to the number 1 franchise for the fourth consecutive year.”
About Nielsen: Nielsen Sports is an American Based Company which evaluates the value of different sporting entities around the world using the latest technologies. It is a recognized evaluation institution around the world.
Peshawar Zalmi Media Department
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